Olivier Barge, Director of Projects and Innovation at Prologis Southern Europe, appeared as a guest on the program "Tout savoir sur la logistique urbaine" [“All you need to know about urban logistics”] broadcast by Afilog, a professional association that brings together stakeholders in logistics real estate and supply chain.

This third and final episode dedicated to the future of urban logistics provided an opportunity to discuss the challenges faced in transforming the sector, particularly in terms of performance and carbon footprint, and what Prologis is forecasting in this area.

Fragmentation of activity between a multitude of different actors has a significant impact on performance when it comes to urban logistics. Current models, both in terms of costs and carbon emissions, are not sufficiently efficient. In order to tackle this in the years to come, Olivier Barge raises two key points:

  • The need to more effectively consider logistics issues with regards to commercial processes.
  • And to further develop adequate logistical infrastructure in cities.

Take a look at the program to learn more about these developments that promise to reshape urban logistics.

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